Sunday, December 14, 2008

happy holidays with physics

While I was watching TV, I glanced over at the Christmas tree my mom decorated. Because of the huge mess Christmas tree make, my family has an artificial tree. The tree originally came with lights already on the tree. After a few years, some of the lights stopped working. I recently realized that this was due to a string of Christmas lights that was arranged in a series circuit. The result: when one bulb goes out, the others on the string stop working as well. My mom replaced the lights with a new string that's arranged in a parallel circuit so that if one of the bulbs go out, she won't have to replace all the lights again.



Anonymous said...

they should stop making lights wired in series. my house has a fake tree also

Brandon said...

I have a fake tree too. Much easier to manage than real ones. I use separate lights but they are wired in a parallel circuit. Nice tree there btw.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you have a really tall house there! That's cool how you still remember circuits cuz I kinda don't! lol

kirsty4 said...

thats a big tree! i love christmas!